BEVAC specialises in monitoring and regulation of metro systems, as well as in information for travellers and drivers.
Since 1988, BEVAC has participated in the design and installation of the monitoring and regulation system of the Brussels' metro.In 2007, BEVAC was chosen to renew the system, involving preparation of the design studies, drafting the technical and functional requirements, project follow-up and providing technical and operational assistance during commissioning. BEVAC participates actively to the integration of the new system into the client environment.
Since 2011, BEVAC has employed its expertise in Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) systems on behalf of project PULSAR (metro automation), ensuring continuity in implementation throughout the migration of the installations.
Typical projects:
Integrated follow-up and regulation of ATS software in the client's operating environment (HASTUS, management of train scheduling, reporting, etc.)
Centralised management of drivers in real time and automated broadcasting of their service information
Broadcasting traveller waiting times, destinations and specific route information on platforms and the internet
Simulation of train movements and interactions in the field, providing operator training and testing of the ATS implementation
Belgian customer:
STIB/MIVB (Metro): Brussels inter-urban transport company